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Übersetzungen für holiday camp im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈholi·day camp SUBST Brit Aus

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Prior to becoming a holiday camp the camp was used as a military base during the 1939-45 war.
It is a holiday camp with an indoor pool.
The site spent a considerable number of years after the second world war as a holiday camp.
The station was therefore re-located to the other side of the holiday camp entrance road.
The number of visitors increased during the 20s and in the late 50s a holiday camp was built on the quay.
It was once a famous holiday camp, complete with glass-floored pavilion and speedway racetrack.
However, the promotion kept afloat on live shows at certain established venues and particularly on the holiday camp circuit.
The prison closed in 1975 and was used as a holiday camp facility until 1995, and now is privately owned.
By the early 21st century, the holiday camp had been converted into an accommodation centre for asylum-seekers.
He was also a prolific county and holiday camp open winner.

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