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Übersetzungen für holiday house im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Slowenisch » Englisch)

ˈholi·day house SUBST Brit Aus

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When the rich and famous go shopping for a holiday house, they're wanting peace, quiet and, most of all, privacy.
We don't have a holiday house or boat, this is why we've built our room with a view.
The holiday house of today was renovated in 1999.
This is the deep, aching pull and sacred power of a holiday house.
We were thinking it could work for people like us, a young couple or a downsizing one, or for families wanting a shared holiday house.
It could also be a weekender or holiday house.
On the territory of the reserve was built holiday house with a total capacity of about 250 beds.
Often the extended families have a shared holiday house in the countryside.
She used it as a holiday house and, ever canny, decorated it inside and out with examples of her work.
No-one is aware of the scam until the holidaymakers turn up for the holiday house that never was.

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