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Übersetzungen für home truth im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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home ˈtruth SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Just an unfortunate home truth.
Knowing they might get a laugh saying some uncomfortable, family-skeleton-type home truth, they "go there," to get the laugh, but leave a residue of shock and unpleasantness.
In comparing the two industries perhaps we're scared to face a few awkward home truths.
However, the harsh lessons learnt by the unfortunate few will highlight some home truths about treatment of insurance claims.
A survey of 2,000 social network users has given us a few home truths to think about.
So there is a lot of home truth that must happen.
Someone in this office needs to put the coffee pot on and start issuing some home truths about what's right and wrong.
Her belated discovery of this home truth is welcome, but she does not go far enough.
But if they win, then you can expect a few home truths to be told.
It's a real home truth and as much a benefit to the rest of us as the entertainment and opportunity we bring to these kids.

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