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Übersetzungen für home straight im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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home ˈstraight SUBST, home ˈstretch SUBST

Beispielsätze für home straight

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The track was long, consisting of eight turns and a home straight.
Races are run on an oval artificial sand-based track with a two-furlong home straight.
Challenging for the lead just after entering the home straight, he suffered torn sesamoid ligaments and had to be pulled up.
It has an undulating, cambered terrain with a sharp downhill turn into the home straight.
The track has a 200m yd straight on the home straight next to the grandstand which extends past the regular start line although the extension has been fenced off.
He told me to go home straight away, and that he'd made an appointment for me to see his colleague, a neurosurgeon, that afternoon.
She remained in front through the home straight and won in a world-leading 49 seconds flat.
If it is on the outside, then each of the seven laps is longer than the standard 400 m, and the starting point is on the home straight.
There is an all seater grandstand on the home straight, and a glass fronted grandstand on the back straight.
The turf track is 26 metres wide, with a circumference of 1715 metres and a home straight of 350 metres.

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