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Übersetzungen für hot-blooded im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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hot-ˈblood·ed ADJ

hot-blooded (easy to anger)
hot-blooded (passionate)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He represents the hot-blooded cter, and destiny way.
He has a slightly timid character now, but formerly he was a hot-blooded man.
Being a hot-blooded woman, during one of their fights she reacted by throwing vitriol, a corrosive acid, in his face.
He is a hot-blooded youth in high school.
Stressful and ingenious, this is a wonderful basis for a hot-blooded strategy game.
They're young, they're hot-blooded, if you like, and they want to go and do their bit.
Some sources claim that it is more difficult to train a hot-blooded horse.
He is hot-blooded and has a strong sense of justice, even to the point of helping defense attorneys if it gets fair trials for the defendants.
He is hot-blooded and strict sometimes, he knows how to support his students during their studies at the academy.
This makes them advantaged over other kind of people in certain condition, such as when finding hot-blooded animals in the dark or camouflaging colors.

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