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Übersetzungen für ideas im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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idea [aɪˈdɪə, -ˈdi:ə] SUBST

5. idea (conception):

pojem m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The authors develop ideas such as synergy effects, and the precautionary and substitution principles.
When looking at the three benefits and limitations, they revolve around three key ideas, poverty, mistrust, and promoting change.
This assumption stems from critical period (CP) ideas.
All truths may be expressed as appropriate combinations of concepts, which can in turn be decomposed into simple ideas, rendering the analysis much easier.
If you think about search in 2006 and then social as another tent pole, we've evolved into a full-service agency very much with strong ideas.
The rush up town to see the serials before the feature movie gave us many ideas for battle at the tall grass.
Participants are encouraged to draw on others' ideas for inspiration, thus stimulating the creative process.
By 1996 the organization had some 700 dues-paying members who met regularly at luncheons to network and share ideas.
All the catchy slogans and mighty ideas of humanity and compassion seem nothing but claptrap.
It is a study of the hydrostatic balance and the ideas behind statics and hydrostatics, it also covers other unrelated topics.

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