Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für play im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . play [pleɪ] SUBST

1. play no Pl (recreation):

igra f
to be at play

2. play no Pl SPORT (during game):

igra f

3. play Am SPORT (move):

poteza f

4. play THEAT:

igra f
radio play
to go to see a play

5. play no Pl (change):

the play of light [on sth]

6. play (freedom to move):


7. play no Pl (interaction):

igra f
to bring sth into play
to come into play

II . play [pleɪ] VERB intr

1. play (amuse oneself):


2. play SPORT:

to play in the match

3. play THEAT:

play actor

4. play MUS:


6. play (gamble):

to play for fun
to play for money
to play for time

III . play [pleɪ] VERB trans

1. play (take part in):

to play cards/darts/tag

2. play (compete against):

to play sb

3. play:

(execute) to play a shot
to play a shot (in snooker)
to play the ball

4. play (have):

to play a part

5. play (act as):

to play the lead
to play host to sb
to play host to sth event

7. play (operate):

play CD, tape
to play the radio

8. play (perform at):

MUS, THEAT to play Berlin/London/San Francisco

play about VERB intr

play PHRVB play around:

I . play along VERB intr to play along with it

II . play along VERB trans abw to play sb along


play around VERB intr

1. play (mess around):

play children

2. play abw ugs (be unfaithful):


4. play abw (tamper with):

igrati se s/z

play at VERB intr

1. play (play game):

to play at sth

2. play (pretend):

to play at being sb

3. play abw (do):

to play at sth

play back VERB trans

I . play off VERB intr to play off for sth


II . play off VERB trans to play off ⇄ sb against sb

play on VERB intr

1. play (exploit):

to play on sth

2. play liter (develop cleverly):

to play on a phrase/word

3. play (keep playing):


I . play out VERB trans

1. play usu passive (take place):

2. play (act out):


3. play (play to end) a play, scene:

play THEAT
THEAT to play out the last few seconds/the rest of the first half, SPORT

4. play (blow over):

to play itself out

II . play out VERB intr esp Am

II . play through VERB intr SPORT

I . play up VERB trans

1. play (emphasize):


2. play Brit ugs:

to play upsb (cause trouble)
to play upsb (cause pain)

3. play Brit ugs (annoy):


II . play up VERB intr ugs

1. play (flatter):

to play up to sb

2. play Brit:

play (misbehave)
play (throw a tantrum)
play children also

3. play (malfunction):

play Brit Aus

4. play (hurt):

play Brit Aus

play upon VERB intr form

play PHRVB play on:

play with VERB intr

1. play (entertain oneself with):

to play with sth

2. play (play together):

to play with sb

3. play (manipulate nervously):

to play with sth

4. play (consider):

to play with an idea

5. play (treat insincerely):

to play with sb abw

6. play (have available):

to have sth to play with

ˈchild's play SUBST

fair ˈplay SUBST no Pl

fair play

foul ˈplay SUBST no Pl

1. foul play (criminal activity):

foul play
foul play

2. foul play SPORT:

foul play

ˈmira·cle play SUBST hist THEAT

miracle play

na·ˈtiv·ity play SUBST

ˈpas·sion play SUBST

passion play

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Paying homage to this tradition, we wanted to play with the ingredient profile of the yule log.
He bears a grudge against the coach, for reasons that do not become clear until late in the play.
As a morality play, it stresses the didactic message.
As with a safe word call from any other, it should herald the stopping all play and a recuperative discussion between the participants.
The play does put forth less destructive definition of manhood towards the end.
How much media play do you want out of 0.015% of the provincial budget?
His complete oeuvre includes three books of poetry, a play, occasional journalism, and his published letters.
The play is replete with lush, poetic dialogue and imagery.
They love to play and will excel in all kinds of dog sports such as Frisbee.
He later stated that he wanted to highlight the role PO should play in contemporary politics - as defenders of minorities.

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