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Übersetzungen für darts im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . dart [dɑ:t] SUBST

1. dart (weapon):

2. dart SPORT + Sg Verb:

darts (game)
pikado m

3. dart usu Sg (dash):

skok m

II . dart [dɑ:t] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für darts

darts (game)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The dartboard's numbers are positioned just as they are in real darts.
The dangerous animal response team quickly secured the area and used tranquillizer darts to subdue the bears.
The restaurant is famous for its decor, its cheeseburgers, its darts room.
Frank tries to incapacitate him with one of his cufflink darts, but misses and hits a fat woman in the upper deck.
Her main hobby outside of darts is making jewellery, which, whilst it started as a hobby has now become a very fast growing business.
Such markings might include pleats, darts, buttonholes, notches or placement lines for appliques or pockets.
A tiny camera has also been inserted into the dartboard itself beside the number 16 - one of the most common doubles - that shows the darts being thrown towards the board.
Both have a variety of clubs, including skittles, chess, dominoes, football and darts.
Three darts were successfully fired to tranquilize it.
As usual, we throw darts at issues both huge and teensy.

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