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Übersetzungen für darted im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . dart [dɑ:t] SUBST

1. dart (weapon):

2. dart SPORT + Sg Verb:

pikado m

3. dart usu Sg (dash):

skok m

II . dart [dɑ:t] VERB intr

III . dart [dɑ:t] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für darted

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Additional flags can be attached to the side rings to slow down the dart and increase control.
A tranquillizer dart armed with carfetanyl then strikes him, but does not affect his thought processes severely.
A dart that lands on the ground inside the noodle is worth two points.
Essentially each dart is strapped in a clothespin.
Dart described the conditions inside the barn as horrible.
Her dark and haunted eyes dart around suspiciously, maddened by chronic paranoia.
Bubbles emerged from her watery hideout a few days into her escape, and was greeted with a tranquilizer dart.
Dart was an active gardener who valued manual work.
Pedestrians dart across the road unmindful of the heavy vehicular traffic.
What an expanse of stars above, appearing more steadfast, the more the Northern Lights dart and quiver!

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