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Übersetzungen für implacable im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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im·plac·able [ɪmˈplækəbl̩] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In court the defendant refuted his own testimony, but the court was implacable.
She was imbued with the drama and grandeur necessary to dazzle the subject people and to convey the image of an implacable state.
His lyrics are quite often heart-wrenching, telling stories of people in insufferable pain, suffering implacable fates, and of love powerful enough to enslave a man.
He showed great potential, but being raised badly, he became an ignorant, implacable, immoral and vengeful man.
From their lofty height, implacable eyes stare down, impassively judging those before them.
She is fierce, loyal, proud and implacable when she chooses to be.
Transcripts of the trial were extremely popular, and portraits of the implacable young maid were offered for sale from shop windows.
This also allowed his troops time to refresh, as the battle was fought under an implacable sun.
She begs him not to interfere, but he is implacable.
Implacable opposition to the line changed to financial support a considerable coup.

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