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Übersetzungen für impish im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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imp·ish [ˈɪmpɪʃ] ADJ (mischievous)

impish child
impish child
impish look, grin
impish look, grin
impish remark, trick

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This trait gave way to using the term impish for someone who loves pranks and practical jokes.
He plays an impish vagrant who uses his new-found freedom to improve the lives of his fellow man, by briefly insinuating himself into their lives.
Her impish humour and wicked wit, frequently directed towards a satirical end, masked an underlying compassion.
He becomes hyperactive and impish as he grows up.
So even if they both peppered their work with self-deprecating humor or impish asides, they were dead serious in their pursuit of the truth.
As we descended we saw impish figures dancing through a blizzard of sparks, drunk with the liquor of their pagan rituals.
She ultimately concluded that the episode ranks as more impish than admirable.
They thought he'd never wipe that impish grin off his face.
He never forced religion on anyone; but his sincere faith and devotion was there for all to see, coupled with his impish sense of humour.
As a child she was long-legged and impish, growing into a tall, dark adult with an attractive boyish face.

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