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Übersetzungen für income tax im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈin·come tax SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The children reported their respective shares on their income tax forms as well.
The "castato" was based on a citizen's entire wealth, while the "estimo" was simply a form of income tax.
Income earned is generally subject to a progressive income tax, which apply to all who are in the workforce.
Tax rates in stores are not a percentage of price (such as a sales tax or income tax) but are proportionate to the alcohol content.
If passed, all companies doing business in the state would use the single-sales factor method, which only uses sales to calculate income tax.
It was willingly supported by hundreds of thousands of investors and tax payers, despite the higher taxes on land and a new income tax.
He did propose a reduction in the state income tax rate that the legislature rejected.
His government also increased corporate taxes and implemented a new provincial income tax.
The organization is also in favor of limited income tax refunds for lands used for agricultural purposes.
He also wished to abolish the income tax.

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