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Übersetzungen für incoming im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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in·com·ing [ˈɪŋkʌmɪŋ] ADJ attr

Beispielsätze für incoming

incoming call
incoming freshman Am
incoming tide

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The system required a separate, remote mounted bellset, for incoming signalling.
Some of the staff answered phones and screened incoming calls.
Traditionally, the incumbent speaker would keep his position, unless the election result was not in support of the incoming government.
The post office has an annual average of 15,000 letters incoming and 10,000 letters outgoing.
The horse-drawn wagons moved too slowly for the incoming tide or flood tide, and most were lost with only few men surviving.
Since consciousness occurs only after a time lag, the incoming second stimulus would have time to affect the stored information about the first stimulus.
Their academic and attendance records are also scrutinized with most incoming students scoring at least a 3 - meeting standards - on their seventh grade standardized exams.
A person taking a mind burst experiences an overload of incoming telepathic information, which will cause the person to pass out.
Typical targets are a rabbit, chandelle, overhead, crossing, trap (outgoing), teal (launched straight up into the air), and an incoming bird.
The backwash itself frequently creates another, outgoing wave, which can hit an incoming wave or surfer with enormous force.

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