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Übersetzungen für ladyship im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈlady·ship SUBST

1. ladyship form (form of address):

her/your ladyship

2. ladyship (pretentious woman):

ladyship abw iron

Beispielsätze für ladyship

her/your ladyship

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

So great was her anxiety that she didn't tell her ladyship for seven months.
Her ladyship was as famous for her quick wit and acerbic tongue as she was for her equestrian skills.
In later years, her ladyship suffered from severe bouts of asthma and had spent the autumn on the continent.
Her ladyship concedes that this would "leave issues of enforceability unresolved".
My humble duty premised unto your good ladyship...
When she found out who her guest was her ladyship sought and effected a speedy reconciliation.
Other formal forms of address included "vuestra excelencia" (your excellence abbreviated as ussencia) and "vuestra seoria" (your lordship/ladyship abbreviated as ussia).

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