Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für lavatory seat im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Slowenisch » Englisch)

ˈlava·tory seat SUBST esp Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each shows a comatose man, collapsed or dead near the hotel room's lavatory seat.
Keeping a lavatory seat warm for a senior cadet was among the more debasing refinements.
Players allegedly staged a food fight before running amok, ripping pictures and decorations off the walls and breaking a lavatory seat.
It had 150 times the acceptable limit for bacteria and was five times as filthy as a typical lavatory seat.
The scientist swabbed 33 keyboards for food poisoning bugs e.coli, coliforms, staphylococcus aureus and enterobacteria and compared the results to those found on a lavatory seat and lavatory door handle.
On that imaginary island, gold is so abundant that it is used to make chains for slaves, tableware, and lavatory seats.
That doesn't explain, however, some stranger demands from music stars such as new lavatory seats and white doves.
He died after being accidentally electrocuted by sitting naked on his steel lavatory seat.
Or, it seemed, using a lavatory seat to secure loose roof tiles.
It was smeared on the lavatory seat to get at me.

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