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Übersetzungen für market trader im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈmar·ket trad·er SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

First up for any serious would-be market trader is securing a pitch.
Although he managed to scoop up the eels, the market trader was unable to do anything about the foul-smelling water that was left behind.
For this former money market trader it was pure business.
The independent market trader is a dying breed and just can't compete anymore.
Indeed, he was quite clear that the stock market trader should be happy to wait until stocks had already advanced before piling in.
She describes herself as a market trader and my step-dad is a bit of an armchair socialist.
The document even lists a number to call should you feel swindled by a market trader.
The cost of execution applies to all markets, even a street market trader may have to pay to have a stall, or invest time walking to a village market.
Foodie, thespian, market trader -- is there anything he can't do?
She speaks to a young boy who had given it to the market trader, and the boy says he'd fished it out of the canal.

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