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Übersetzungen für market research im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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mar·ket re·ˈsearch SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Game stalls are set up at the fair to carry out disguised market research.
Franchises are small projection of big enterprises who have already done the market research before entering a new zone.
The customer base may be considered the business's target market, where customer behaviors are well understood through market research or past experience.
It is used worldwide by national statistical institutes, market research companies and related scientific research organisations for the production of official statistics.
Since 2003 the procedure is commercially used in market research especially advertising research and marketing research to analyze the effect of advertising material.
He uses market research, technological tools, and partner companies to scientifically measure the bar's performance.
He was also not a fan of typical market research, stating that it is what already has been done.
Over the next month, channel 42 rebuilt its news department from scratch with input from focus groups and market research.
It was the first company to offer market research.
It conducts market research for corporations and interest groups, but is best known for conducting opinion polls for various political offices and questions.

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