Englisch » Slowenisch

mar·ket·ing [ˈmɑ:kɪtɪŋ] SUBST no Pl

1. marketing (selling):


2. marketing Am (shopping):

to go marketing

ˈam·bush mar·ket·ing SUBST no Pl

ambush marketing
ambush marketing

ˈmar·ket·ing de·part·ment SUBST

I . mar·ket [ˈmɑ:kɪt] SUBST

1. market (place):

trg m

II . mar·ket [ˈmɑ:kɪt] VERB trans

farm·ers' ˈmar·ket SUBST

ˈflea mar·ket SUBST

ˈfu·tures mar·ket SUBST WIRTSCH

ˈgrain mar·ket SUBST

ˈhous·ing mar·ket SUBST

ˈjob mar·ket SUBST

ˈla·bour mar·ket SUBST

ˈmar·ket day SUBST esp Brit

mar·ket ˈforces SUBST Pl

mar·ket ˈgar·den SUBST Brit Aus

mar·ket ˈgar·den·er SUBST Brit Aus

mar·ket ˈlead·er SUBST

mar·ket re·ˈsearch SUBST no Pl

mar·ket re·ˈsearch·er SUBST

Beispielsätze für marketing

marketing device
to go marketing
marketing/sales spiel

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Instead of marketing the fat cigars to a specialized subset of experienced smokers, the brand was launched as an item for a mass market.
And it's not just the music side of things; it's marketing, online promotion, talking to dudes at radio stations.
In the 1980s, the increasing popularity of sports and fitness led to the marketing of supplement-fortified health food products.
A decision was also made in the legislature to hold a plebiscite to establish a compulsory egg marketing board.
To access the scheme for the first time businesses need to have spent $20,000 over two years on eligible export marketing expenses.
He is widely publicized for being the man who invented the commonplace mutual fund through direct marketing to the public.
While 95% of companies have added social media to their marketing mix, 45% have either only "experimented" or not done anything in social media.
It is also expected to investigate the rag trade, with a taskforce focusing on the import, wholesale, marketing and sale of clothing.
The idea involved text-message marketing -- those promotional offers inviting consumers to "text 123 to 5678".
There is still reluctance to spend on front-end marketing (its sales and general administration expenses as a percentage of sales continue to be low).

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