Englisch » Slowenisch

memo·ry [ˈmeməri] SUBST

1. memory no Pl (ability to remember):

memory for
if my memory serves me right
loss of memory
to recite sth from memory
to recite sth from memory
to refresh one's memory
to have a memory like a sieve

2. memory no Pl (remembrance):

spomin m
in memory of sb/sth

3. memory (remembered event):

memory of

4. memory no Pl COMPUT:


ˈmemo·ry bank SUBST

1. memory bank COMPUT:

memory bank

2. memory bank (human memory):

memory bank
spomin m

read-only ˈmemo·ry SUBST COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Working memory capacity allows for the retention and manipulation of information for short periods of time.
Switcher worked by designating a number of fixed slots in memory, into which applications could be loaded.
One study examined age differences in event-based prospective memory.
Let those who honoured her pay her memory the sincerest tribute possible by falsifying this gloomy prophecy.
The program's performance is strongly dependent on having a sufficient amount of cache memory, and no single worker has access to that amount.
Specifically, researchers wanted to look at the differences between simultaneous interpreting and articulatory suppression as they relate to working memory.
His memory chip is re-obtained and cloned.
In an NLP perspective, it is not very important "per se" whether a person "sees" or "hears" some memory.
The recency effect describes the increased recall of the most recent information because it is still in the short-term memory.
Memory-only cards are generally of the synchronous variety.

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