Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für mile im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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mile [maɪl] SUBST

3. mile ugs (daydreaming):

nau·ti·cal ˈmile SUBST

sea ˈmile SUBST veraltet

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The center has a skate park, a swimming pool, an outdoor basketball pavilion, a lighted sports field, a playground, a.20 mile hike and bicycle trail, and lighted tennis courts.
The 1979 model's 11.36 second quarter mile time (at 117.95 mph) was quicker than other superbikes of the day.
Some naturists complain that the official section is too small - the traditional naturist area was 1,6km (1 mile) in length.
His desk was in scholarly disarray, covered with loose-leaf binders and memos on what can be built where in the 500-square-mile county.
Approaching the coulee over a five-mile plateau, the soldiers, ambulance and the wagon got strung out.
Flag states have right of innocent passage inside the 12-mile limit provided such passage is innocent and vessels do not hover.
She became the first amputee to finish the 100-mile race.
It is reported to be at least one mile above sea level with low levels of light pollution.
The shock wave rattled buildings miles from the epicenter and shattered glass for a mile around, which proved the source of most of the injuries.
The population density was 24.8 people per square mile (9.6/km).

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