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Übersetzungen für night owl im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈnight owl SUBST ugs (person)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The opposite of a lark is a night owl, someone who usually stays up late and may feel most awake in the evening.
She lived on coffee, always had a cigarette, and was a night owl.
Our son's sleep schedule has kind of morphed because of my work schedule, so he is a night owl.
I should probably travel four time zones west once every week... or just continue to enjoy being a night owl.
How can the night owl go about hunting its supper of rodents if humanity lights up the habitat?
I wasn't exactly a night owl, but they went to bed way before my bedtime.
He's a night owl and never goes to bed before midnight.
I've always been a night owl, so it was rare for me to go to bed before my husband.
The website brought out the night owl in its users with the most popular hours to watch existing between 10pm and midnight.
Perhaps you're a night owl with a little problem -- physical or romantic.

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