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Übersetzungen für non-infectious im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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non-in·ˈfec·tious ADJ

non-infectious disease:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some diseases, such as most (but not all) forms of cancer, heart disease, and mental disorders, are non-infectious diseases.
Aseptic meningitis can result from non-infectious causes; it is a relatively infrequent side effect of medications, and can be an early finding in autoimmune disease.
It does not rise significantly with viral or non-infectious inflammations.
Many non-infectious diseases have a partly or completely genetic basis (see genetic disorder) and may thus be transmitted from one generation to another.
It is impossible to correlate this classification with clinical symptoms, in particular milk stasis, non-infectious and infectious inflammation can be distinguished only by leukocyte count and bacteria culturing.
This evolutionary advantage however comes at a considerable cost in that the vast majority of virus particles have mutated beyond a survivability threshold and are therefore non-infectious.
It may also result from various non-infectious causes.
In this semi-resting state, they clear away dead host cells and other non-infectious debris and rarely take part in antigen presentation.
This is useful because chronic pneumonias tend to be either non-infectious, or mycobacterial, fungal, or mixed bacterial infections caused by airway obstruction.
These organisms are biologically immortal but not immortal in the traditional sense as they are nonetheless susceptible to trauma and infectious and non-infectious disease.

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