Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für non-negotiable im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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non-ne·ˈgo·tiable ADJ

1. non-negotiable JUR:

non-negotiable terms, conditions

2. non-negotiable FIN:

non-negotiable document, bill of exchange

non-negotiable ADJ

this is non-negotiable

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A non-negotiable clause was that the movie would have to be done entirely in computer graphics, which at the time were very expensive.
Initial reports stated that an additional $2000.00 in non-negotiable securities had been stolen as well.
He quickly finds himself transferred out of the capital city with a non-negotiable promotion to constable of a quiet backwater town.
However, when they learned that they would be required to sign a 73-page non-negotiable contract in order to continue the competition, they dropped out.
The penalty needs to be severe, harsh and non-negotiable when a life is taken in this manner.
Any moral agency becomes non-negotiable when one option is blatantly blue, and the other blatantly red.
Traditionally, medical ethics has viewed the duty of confidentiality as a relatively non-negotiable tenet of medical practice.
However, if a client wants to negotiate our 30-day termination clause to reduce the notice to 14 days, that is non-negotiable.
Although other lighthouses were run privately, the right to collect a non-negotiable light due was supported by a patent from the crown.
For other actions (such as determining the result of radiation exposure), the matrix result indicates a non-negotiable result.

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