Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für plateful im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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plate·ful [ˈpleɪtfʊl] SUBST

a plateful of lasagna

Beispielsätze für plateful

a plateful of lasagna

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A lady holds a plateful of laddus- simple joyful treats.
What was sold for ten centavos was a plateful of cooked red beans heaped with ground ice, topped with sugar and milk.
What she got was an astonishing plateful of flavour.
That's a problem because when you eat a plateful of spaghetti, you're downing way more calories and carbs than you need.
And if you succeed, it will only be temporarily, as he will be back with a plateful of momos.
The amount of beetroot you'd need to eat is reasonably large... quite a big plateful.
Students listen to music that blares and games are played, and the professors serve students platefuls of comfort food to help fuel their late-night study sessions.
Maybe it's eating too many platefuls of leathery pheasant and dried-out partridge.
But cook them all together and you have a rich delicacy, a plateful of which can pack in 600 to 800 calories.
Children given healthy platefuls of apples and tomatoes, may well prefer "the most disgusting horrid looking things".

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