Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für pray im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . pray [preɪ] VERB intr

1. pray REL:

let us pray

2. pray übtr (hope):

to pray for sth

II . pray [preɪ] ADV

1. pray veraltet form (please):

pray take a seat

2. pray iron form:

Beispielsätze für pray

pray take a seat
let us pray

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Pregnant women prayed to it and offered a lot of gold and silver object to it.
Restrictions may include not sharing in meeting parts, not commenting at meeting parts, and not praying for a group.
Women pray for their husbands by tying threads around a banyan tree on this day.
According to contemporaries, he prayed loudly, so that it could be heard outside.
His lasting impression was how he could pray and the effect he left on me because he was very original and plain and also simple.
In 2005, after much praying, he decided to retire the band after 33 years of ministry.
While some people went to pray, the aircraft was burning.
At the church the groups prayed for redemption and mercy.
If a person prays facing someone who is opposite him, sitting or lying down, that does not affect him.
Pray report to me tomorrow what is going to be done.

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