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Übersetzungen für prosecuted im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . pros·ecute [ˈprɒsɪkju:t] VERB trans

2. prosecute form (carry on):

II . pros·ecute [ˈprɒsɪkju:t] VERB intr

1. prosecute (bring a charge):

2. prosecute (in court):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In 2009, it was revealed that the woman would not be prosecuted due to a lack of evidence.
On one occasion they were arrested and prosecuted after staging a protest against a market stallholder who refused to serve black customers.
He was prosecuted from two informants in which he personally sold two 16 year old boys the girlie magazines.
Some reports of accidental deaths have later been prosecuted as dowry deaths.
In other words, without advance permission, whistleblowers could be prosecuted based on an after-the-fact call that almost any information they released was classified.
Yet until now, only low or middle-level officials have been prosecuted for war atrocities.
Several persons have heretofore cut wood thereon, and whoever does it after this notice will be prosecuted.
These are taken down by council officials and persistent offenders can be prosecuted and fined.
Attractions include hiccupping country bumpkins, a sense of permanent grey autumn and the vengeful ghost of a woman prosecuted for witchcraft in the 18th century.
They felt he was so pernickety in seeking assurances that he wouldn't be prosecuted that he probably didn't know much in the first place.

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