Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für provide im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . pro·vide [prə(ʊ)ˈvaɪd] VERB trans

II . pro·vide [prə(ʊ)ˈvaɪd] VERB intr

1. provide form (anticipate):

to provide for sth
to provide for sth
to provide against sth

2. provide (look after):

to provide for sb/oneself
to provide for sb/oneself

3. provide form (enable):

to provide for sth
to provide for sth law

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

To this day these communal garden squares continue to provide the area with much of its attraction for the wealthiest householders.
If there are no vocational training programs in place for this population, the government will provide them.
The original insurer retains a fee, usually somewhere between 5% and 15%, to provide this service.
One is a huge inflatable airbag, installed to let skiers and snowboarders show off their aerial prowess, and provide them with a soft landing.
Officers in these situations commonly fail to report corrupt behavior or provide false testimony to outside investigators to cover up criminal activity by their fellow officers.
The school has successfully blended the best from both cultures to provide a nourishing and stimulating environment for young minds.
They provide healthcare consultancy, turnkey design and construction of new hospitals, medical equipping and the operation and management of healthcare facilities around the world.
The original tee area of 392 yards from the championship tees will be preserved to provide the club with flexibility in course set-up.
Services provide employment for 1% of the population.
Local businesses provide competition to each other and also challenge corporate giants.

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