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Übersetzungen für ringside im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈring·side SUBST

ringside (in boxing, in a circus)
ringside seat (in boxing)
ringside seat (in a circus)

Beispielsätze für ringside

ringside seat (in boxing)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Upon winning a briefcase, a wrestler must leave ringside and can not re-enter the match.
He would then begin accompanying them to ringside for their matches.
It features a large roofed steel cage structure or cell which encloses the ring and ringside area.
He was helped back into the ring by the writers at ringside.
The judges at ringside scored the fight, 95-94, 95-94, and 96-93.
He then fell to the floor and was immediately attended to by ringside doctors.
Flair continuously interfered in the match, prompting the referee to eject him from the ringside.
They returned to the ringside and started using ladder as a foreign object.
The two were unable to continue the match and were removed from ringside on stretchers.
While improvements to venue security and the design of the ringside area have eliminated much of that danger, incidents can still occur.

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