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Übersetzungen für sales drive im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈsales drive SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These additional sales drive a greater awareness of the company's ales and lagers in the craft beer marketplace.
Aligning those decisions with sales drives a successful sales organisation.
This allows you to keep control, rather than letting the coupons and sales drive your shopping.
The battle for sales drives businesses to be even more focused on reducing the number of customers dropping off before transactions are completed.
The company ran ads in newspapers and on the fledgling medium of radio and also enlisted its employees in sales drives.
Within two days a local computer firm had built a website for the sales drive.
The same cold that drove chips sales drives the players, coaches and supporters home quickly.
Anecdotal evidence suggests there has been an unprecedented sales drive this summer, with particularly attractive deals offered to wavering executive-seat customers.
Speaking of money, hint hotlines were once the second-scammiest thing happening to kids at the time (next to school magazine sales drives).
The sales drive has been accompanied by a retailtainment and airport media strategy to create additional consumer engagement and awareness.

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