Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für slang im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . slang [slæŋ] SUBST no Pl

II . slang [slæŋ] ADJ attr

Beispielsätze für slang

army slang
teenage slang
slang term [or word]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In another case, the word hockey was banned from all episodes as in some countries it was supposedly used as a vulgar slang term.
There are many instances where words and phrases (especially slang) that exist on one island may not exist on another.
In the 1800s the word was also slang for a guillotine.
I got my slang in a much easier way.
Certain slang are used only within certain social groups and sometime not understood outside of that group.
By the time slang has been written down, it has been in use some time and has, in some cases, become almost mainstream.
Snort is slang for a mixed drink, and short specifies less than a full measure.
Most of the slang are common across all dialects.
As slang, grammatical usage of the word "teh" is somewhat fluid.
Similarly, several new slang words and phrases appeared.

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