Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für slanted im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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II . slant [slɑ:nt] VERB trans

1. slant (make diagonal):

nagibati [perf nagniti]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is the slant range between the launch aircraft and target, at the time of interception.
This book, which was rigorously scientific and at the same time innovative in its linguistic slant, turned into an international best-seller translated into twenty languages.
In the first series, the songs generally had no particular satirical slant, and were often intercut with sketches from the same era.
In a rising wedge, both boundary lines slant up from left to right.
The fall front desk or secrtaire abattant, and the slant top desk are also related.
As in calypso, mento uses topical lyrics with a humorous slant, commenting on poverty and other social issues.
There was a 10 seconds hover at the apex, and a slant descent to the crane landing using free flight guidance.
In a falling wedge, both boundary lines slant down from left to right.
The slant of the face will vary according to the position that the stick is used for.
She writes on arts, books, popular culture and current affairs, often with a feminist slant.

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