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Übersetzungen für smooth out im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für smooth out

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Households are considered vulnerable if they do not have the means to smooth out their expenses in response to changes in income.
Chaps are made in both roughout and smooth out (smooth side out) designs.
Firstly, they smooth out the likelihood surface, enabling the algorithm to overcome small-scale features of the likelihood during early stages of the global search.
The concrete seats and much of their embankment were removed to smooth out the earthen bowl.
Soldiers are offloading railway ties to reinforce or smooth out the road surface.
New dies were prepared to smooth out some of the details.
The fund aims to smooth out state revenues which would otherwise fluctuate based on demand for mining products.
Solutions smooth out as the transformed time variable increases.
It is used to help create the film sound track, where presence may be intercut with "dialogue" to smooth out any sound edit points.
It is also best to smooth out short term wobbles of the storm center in order to determine a more accurate trajectory.

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