Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für smother im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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smoth·er [ˈsmʌθəʳ] VERB trans

1. smother (suffocate):

smother with
dušiti [perf zadušiti ]s/z

2. smother (prevent from growing):

zatirati [perf zatreti]

3. smother (suppress):

smother hopes

4. smother (cover):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is a kind of piazzollization that is smothering.
It smothers them, and then proceeds to eat them from a mouth located under its head.
The soy protein foam was used to smother oil and gasoline fires aboard ships, and was particularly useful on aircraft carriers.
The sediments that are present within the environment cause increased turbidity and may smother some organisms.
At lower temperatures (with organic fuels) produces strontium nitrite ash which can smother the flame; decomposes completely at higher temperatures (with magnesium).
Others were caught in the rush of coal, and crushed to death or smothered.
Violent, drunken, vulgar, with an unhealthy taste for all things criminal, corrupt or smothered in curry sauce.
Obviously, extensive and chronic sources of siltation in the area could cause sediment overload that would smother stream biota requiring clear water.
This one is elaboratedly stuffed, smothered, tied up and garnished.
In particular facesitting or smothering may be applied in order to emphasis the control of the dominant over the submissive.

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