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Übersetzungen für sphinx im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈsphinx [sfɪŋks] SUBST

sphinx (mythological being)
sfinga f
sphinx (enigma)
uganka f

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The sphinx in front of the park will have sunglasses added to it.
During the orientalising period, such tripods were frequently decorated with figural protomes, in the shape of griffins, sphinxes and other fantastic creatures.
The scene is flanked by two sphinxes which are separated from it by a band of lotus blossoms and palmettes.
The image of the sphinx appeared when the rock, having an 8 m height and a 12 m width, was watched from a certain angle.
Another aperiodic tiling, the sphinx tiling, is like the rhombille tiling based on the hexagonal lattice.
They received praise, and were entitled to wear buttons and other equipment decorated with a sphinx.
The flowers open in the evening instead of the day due to pollination by sphinx moths, which are active at night.
The performance featured a giant sphinx on the stage.
The top of the plaque shows a pair of sphinxes flanking a lotus blossom and framed by two date palms.
In the 1990s four new sphinxes were located on the roof.

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