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Übersetzungen für spider's web im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈspi·der's web, ˈspi·der·web SUBST

Beispielsätze für spider's web

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The common name refers to the appearance of a spider or spider's web given by the numerous long, slender and interlocking stems of the inflorescences.
Some editions have a spider, or spider's web, on the cover.
A system of venous collaterals may form around the occlusion which may be seen on imaging as a spider's web.
The leaf curling spider's web is about 30 cm (a foot) across.
Incredibly, the spider's web essentially mimics a fish's gill.
Its theology is like a delicate spider's web: remove one strand and the entire structure would collapse.
The name is derived from the wire pattern, which looks like a spider's web.
As a side effect of using an incorrect formula, he also begins to biologically generate a substance that is similar to a spider's web, and develops scales on his skin.
The user must then guide a tiny spider over a spider's web but it crawls over the letter-shaped bugs that correctly spell that word.
At that same moment the spider's web vanishes to reveal a beautiful garden.

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