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Übersetzungen für third person im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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third ˈper·son SUBST

1. third person (person):

2. third person LING:

Beispielsätze für third person

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It has a special conjugation for the third person when used as an impersonal verb in the present tense.
Many stories, especially in literature, alternate between the third person limited and third person omniscient.
Even if a person gives a correct answer as a third person, he gets no points.
In the third person singular, either simply no conjugation or - is accepted.
Assistance can be provided indirectly, for example through a third person.
In the television version, she refers to herself in the third person.
This spirit language has no spoken words apart from personal names, and its users generally refer to themselves in the third person.
It held that one may claim damages from a third person who interferes in the performance of a contract by another.
He also refers to himself in third person.
Most of the anecdotes are told by a third person narrator from the perspective of one of the characters.

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