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Übersetzungen für third-rate im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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third-ˈrate ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As the duplicated pair have the time of their lives, the real pair find themselves in a third-rate hotel.
Any of these later large fourth-rate frigates threw a close-range broadside (including from their heavy carronades) far superior to the earlier two-decker 50s or even to third-rate 64s.
And it's the ordinary people, those we don't hear about, who don't make the headlines, who will have to accept third-rate advice.
I didn't want to be just another third-rate guitar player who sounded like a bunch of other third-rate guitar players.
Borne does have some very compelling moments, but it opens with a cringe-worthy sequence that seems like something out of a third-rate theatre department.
Playing football for a third-rate team in front of 5,000 supporters?
Sometimes he is found in a third-rate bar flirting with the old and ugly barmaid.
But we have become third-rate citizens, the others have emerged as first-class citizens.
This concept had formed the backbone of the sailing battle fleets of the previous century, but trends in early twentieth century naval strategies were making the third-rate concept obsolete.
In 1807, first-rate would have three, a third-rate two, and frigates and sloops one.

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