Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für tinting im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . tint [tɪnt] SUBST

1. tint (hue):

niansa f

2. tint (dye):

II . tint [tɪnt] VERB trans

tint hair:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This gene modifies the appearance of the color, giving a bluish tint to the overall color.
They are tinted bluish, greyish or brownish and splotched with dark grey-brown, and measure 18 mm x 14 mm.
People with darker hair (medium brown to black) need to use a bleaching kit before tint application.
When blood passes through the large veins close to the surface of the skin, it can produce a bluish tint.
National instruments were used in orchestration of the ballet, which give it a national tint.
The small wings also have a purple tint.
The ears are grey with a pinkish tint with scattered black hairs.
The bulbs have a light tint and when cut, has a powerful odor.
When oxygen levels are low, the baby's skin, fingertips, or lips have a bluish tint.
The bluebells combine and cause a consternation but the hero is the holly, tinted with green.

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