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Übersetzungen für transcriptions im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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tran·scrip·tion [trænˈskrɪpʃən] SUBST

1. transcription (copy):

kopija f
prepis m

2. transcription (putting into written form):

zapis m
transcription BIO, LING, MUS
prepis m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They include not only transcriptions of proper nouns but also those of common nouns for new products.
He proved the scientific value of facsimiles of manuscripts, but also made his own transcriptions into modern notation.
He also has two sources of transcriptions of speakers talking.
Most works from this period were theological, and were transcriptions of the bible, so the architectural theories were the notes on structures included therein.
He added concert band music and transcriptions of symphonic and chamber pieces to the performances at ceremonies and sporting events.
Shorter transcriptions were often cut at 78 rpm.
Phonetic transcriptions and prosody information together make up the symbolic linguistic representation that is output by the front-end.
The repertoire of the orchestra included folk songs and classical transcriptions.
But some transcriptions and arrangements have been done for purely pragmatic or contextual reasons.
Each tutorial begins with exercises and moves on to short original pieces and adaptions or transcriptions of excerpts from the repertory.

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