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Übersetzungen für undreamt of im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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un·dreamed of ADJ präd, un·dreamed-of [ʌnˈdri:mdˌɒv] ADJ, un·dreamt of ADJ attr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Gaming performance was in a realm that would have been undreamt of for a modest 13-inch notebook just two years ago.
We may be all wrong, and the new art of television may turn into entirely different directions, undreamt of today.
It was a feat previously undreamt of.
Innovators are looking at taking the green and inexhaustible source of energy to areas undreamt of in the past.
Ten years on, and the world has changed in ways undreamt of.
And yet for all of the affluence that surrounds us -- an affluence undreamt of in earlier times -- the need remains just as great.
This is a family making fun of a strange man who lived many miles away and whose true wickedness was undreamt of.
Here, we had black-and-white televisions, gas fires which didn't work and showerheads with proper water pressure were undreamt of.
If you're on film, that's undreamt of.
His power over the piano is something undreamt of; he transports you into another world; all that is mechanical in the instrument is forgotten.

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