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Übersetzungen für undress im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . un·dress [ʌnˈdres] VERB trans

slačiti [perf sleči]
to undress sb with one's eyes übtr

II . un·dress [ʌnˈdres] VERB intr

slačiti se [perf sleči se]

III . un·dress [ʌnˈdres] SUBST no Pl scherzh

Beispielsätze für undress

in a state of undress
to undress sb with one's eyes übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Now you need to know how to undress and go to bed in the presence of a man.
They are drinking, smoking, and walking around in states of undress, except for the man.
While in her room, watching her undress, he realizes how much he cares for his wife and leaves.
In particular, situations where a person has willingly undressed causing surprise and shock to those not expecting such an encounter.
He spurned her, and she pretended to withdraw until, thinking himself alone, he undressed to bathe in her waters.
He offers a candle to an altar, before ceremonially undressing and washing.
Later he returns to her room, they undress, and he passes his hand over her skin as if unable to touch her.
Young girls accustom to walk bareheaded, but after the wedding ritual bride's binders, bride undressing the godmother puts her a beautiful "basma" or "maram".
The first was used for dressing, undressing, and resting.
The shaft has undressed openings to former doors.

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