Englisch » Slowenisch

I . un·said [ʌnˈsed] ADJ form

II . un·said [ʌnˈsed] VERB

unsaid Past, Part Perf of unsay:

Siehe auch: unsay

un·say <-said, -said> [ʌnˈseɪ] VERB trans

un·say <-said, -said> [ʌnˈseɪ] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für unsaid

what's said cannot be unsaid Sprichw
to leave sth unsaid

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Music seems to graze an inner landscape of a deep and unsaid land.
In a higher-context culture, many things are left unsaid, letting the culture explain.
It is believed that some other films had been produced indigenously at the studios which had to be closed down due to unsaid financial reasons.
There was so much left unsaid, so many untangled and unresolved emotions, of remorse, guilt, loss, anger, confusion...
In fact, the best kind of prayer is said in tears, or whispered, or just remains in the heart, unsaid.
A provocative comic nightmare about the mysterious hollows between parents and children and things that may be better left unsaid.
Slowly, it changed to love but it was still unsaid.
Instead, she suggests that irony is a... semantically complex process of relating, differentiating, and combining said and unsaid meanings - and doing so with an evaluative edge (p. 89).
Norms are unsaid rules that are shared by a group.
There is also a schwa secundum (usually the indogermanicum is unsaid), namely some kind of reduced state of an originally short vowel.

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