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Übersetzungen für vacuous im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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vacu·ous [ˈvækjuəs] ADJ

1. vacuous (inane):

vacuous person, question
vacuous person, question
vacuous remark

2. vacuous (expressionless):

vacuous look, expression
vacuous look, expression

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His lyrics are vacuous as ever, but those hooks sure are sticky.
However, vacuous truth also appears in, for example, intuitionistic logic in the same situations given above.
Also, note that a vacuous linear belief function (0 swept matrix) is the neutral element for combination.
This statement is an example of a vacuous truth since there "is no x in the domain".
For a related problem, see vacuous truth.
I have never read such a vacuous article in my life.
After the vacuous traveller, an idle lord appears, yawning with the pain of sitting on an easy chair.
She soon tires of her companions when she learns of their vacuous nature (and her lover's infidelity) and realises how great her husband was, which she took for granted.
The title is a comical reference to the slang phrase, which is used to describe vacuous, gullible fools, untethered to reality (compare airhead).
The essay considers how pleasure resorts are likely to develop in the future, consisting of artificial environments with vacuous pleasures.

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