saunter im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

saunter im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für saunter im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.saunter [ˈsɔ:ntəʳ, Am ˈsɑ:nt̬ɚ] VERB intr

II.saunter [ˈsɔ:ntəʳ, Am ˈsɑ:nt̬ɚ] SUBST kein Pl

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Synchronised cantered and sauntered down on an approach of no more than 400m - more than he would have done anyway.
By custom, the members saunter, with much discussion and joking, rather than formally process.
Undaunted, he sauntered into the museum and, borrowing an antique bat off the display, went on to score 158 and 71.
Sauntering downstairs, she reaches into her handbag and for a moment you're not sure quite what she will pull out: has she stolen something?
But a saunter through the town reveals the reasons for its popularity and its stellar house prices.
For the record, he sauntered through his 200m heat.
You can select whatever level you are comfortable with and build up from a saunter to a sprint.
Consultation can take place quite quickly, certainly more speedily than it takes goalkeepers to saunter casually upfield to take frees.
And you can walk off your meal with a saunter along the beach or a climb up the cliffs.
In the background, a looming figure saunters towards the two.

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