Englisch » Arabisch

problem <a problem; problems> SUBST (relations)

problem ADJ

problem FIN
problem FIN

problem SUBST (relations)

active problem INDUSTR

administrative problem WIRTSCH

assignment problem COMPUT

decision problem COMPUT

global problem

intermittent problem INDUSTR

intricate problem

knapsack problem COMPUT

performance problem WIRTSCH

problem analysis PSYCHO

problem management COMPUT

problem record COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Solving a subset sum problem is almost as hard as the discrete logarithm problem.
The key problem is the impact of the schema evolution on queries and applications.
Coccidiosis, a parasitic disease of the intestinal tract, has also been a problem they have been trying to solve.
A problem with launching from the harbour site, was caused by the shallow angle of the underlying geological strata.
The problem of the law is to give advantage to neither, but to let trial by ordeal of cross-examination distill the truth.
Despite this impressive performance and strong growth mass unemployment has remained a problem.
The problem can be fixed by tabling project evaluations and business cases in parliament before committing and reporting to the public after projects have been completed.
Lacking in algorithmic processes, inventive-type problem solving methodology has eluded much of academia.
My biggest problem is finding annual travel insurance.
He has often proven himself to be the problem-solver of the group, either through purposeful, genuine insight, or merely by accidental observation.

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