free-range chicken im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für free-range chicken im Englisch»Bulgarisch-Wörterbuch

1. free a. JUR, FIN, HANDEL (not constrained):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

You can choose the regular chicken or village free-range chicken.
Fishing provides additional food year round, and free-range chickens need little or no food beyond what they can forage locally.
A few farms have free-range chickens, but the majority of poultry are battery-farmed.
It too is a kind of crime novel in which a dinner party dispute over free-range chicken has fatal consequences.
Having to buy the grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and organic produce the diet requires can get expensive.
Cave bracingly avers that you need to start with non-supermarket fare, with free-range chicken, well-hung beef, wild salmon and good wine in your dishes and sauces.
The researchers prepared "artificially aged" model samples by mixing different pigments with either animal glue or an adhesive concocted from free-range chicken eggs.
Lunches are lighter -- think free-range chicken salad or a very unworkman-like ploughman's.
Free-range chicken with soft polenta, truffle oil and wild mushrooms was a robust bistro style dish, although not remarkable for $32.
It would be shocking to find out that the free-range chicken you bought was actually battery farmed.

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