Englisch » Chinesisch

bitten [ˈbıtn]

I . bite <过去式 bit, 过去分词 bitten or bit> [baıt] VERB trans

II . bite <过去式 bit, 过去分词 bitten or bit> [baıt] VERB intr

4. bite:

III . bite <过去式 bit, 过去分词 bitten or bit> [baıt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And the hard-bitten dialogue is jokier and softer, lacking the sucker punch prose of the original.
The problem was that, 10 years later, his actors looked too young and healthy to play hard-bitten middle-aged former and practising drug addicts convincingly.
However, spear fishers are at risk of being bitten by one attempting to steal their catch.
He believes he was most likely bitten by an infected tick while camping with his 5-year-old son in their tree house.
Myxomatosis is spread by direct contact with an affected animal or by being bitten by fleas or mosquitoes that have fed on an infected rabbit.
Persons bitten by rabid dogs were treated by "curanderos" using the brain of a rabid dog.
On the other hand, the hard-bitten dialogue, forthright camera work and soiled authenticity of the backgrounds could hardly be improved.
I think that cupidity has bitten me here.
And you live with the constant taunts you're just not as clever as the flea-bitten wolf that keeps eating your kin.
This battle, expected to be a war of attrition is off to a predictably hard-bitten start, with the first six games spanning half an hour.

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