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Übersetzungen für created im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For non-member teams, two other camps were created and used from 19821984.
Most often, it measures the "maximum" amount of commercial bank money that can be created by a given unit of central bank money.
He created remarkably detailed portraits, using to the full the remarkable tonal rendition of the process.
Also, many viruses created by the program did not work at all - and often, their source codes could not be compiled.
With the advent of websites which host and sell user uploaded video clips, many thousands of people have created their own homemade tamakeri videos.
The arcade cabinet was created to look like a police car, with a gas pedal, steering wheel and a siren button, complete with flashing lights atop the unit.
Financial support is given to the needy children who attend school, day care centers are created in specific areas.
The overcapacity and costs tied up 92 percent of the public information technology budget, hindering other project which could have created value from being carried out.
In addition to his architectural work he created numerous designs for furniture, furnishings, fabrics, wallpaper and carpet.
P2 is a type of real-time blogging platform created for office communication.

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