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Übersetzungen für in-service im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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in-service ADJ

in-service training

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Such challenges were overcome with in-service training and scholarships to encourage those who were interested to go into music teaching.
The notional in-service date for the replacement trainer was 2017, but shrinking budgets have pushed initial operating capability to around 2023.
One specific example lies with the current requirement of 12 hours of in-service training per year for foster care parents.
He created curriculum and developed in-service programs for students.
Articles also cover research, policy, specialized services, quality assurance, in-service training, and other topics that affect the delivery of health care services.
They are also responsible for the national hardware procurement, in-service support management, obsolescence management, and the provision of the data communication lines necessary.
Therefore, a typical capability lifecycle spans needs, requirements, acquisition, in-service and obsolescence/disposal phases.
There was no similar large-scale in-service effort for technical and vocational teachers, most of whom worked for enterprises and local authorities.
It benefits from the presence of in-service students of medicine and other healthcare sciences, as well as scientists working under a variety of research grants.
The connector manufacturer has little control over these factors, so in-service performance may well be below the manufacturer's specification.

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