Englisch » Chinesisch

training [ˈtreınıŋ] SUBST

physical training SUBST

doctor in training SUBST

I . train [treın] SUBST

mobile post-doctoral training center SUBST

express train SUBST, express

maglev train, magnetic-levitation train SUBST

light rail train, light rail vehicle SUBST

magnetic-levitation train [ˌlevıˈteıʃən] SUBST

magnetic-levitation train → maglev train

Siehe auch: maglev train

maglev train, magnetic-levitation train SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The department also suffers from outdated and dis-functional equipment as well a generally apathetic attitude towards proper training.
Topics include civics and ethics training, democracy, prevention of different types of violence, and values training.
Vocational training was instead the emphasis: boys learned business skills and girls domestic skills.
If there are no vocational training programs in place for this population, the government will provide them.
The way that cooking takes place also depends on the skill and type of training an individual cook has.
The male bodybuilder introduced her to a female bodybuilder and suggested we start training five days a week and work one body part a day.
The week includes choral training, music theory, and a tour bus and media event.
It is also planned to have schooling, physical training, and medical facilities on the premises.
The prison offers workshops, education and training for inmates in areas such as bricklaying, plumbing, electronics, painting and decorating and industrial cleaning.
He has not taken any formal training in singing or music and believes that his talent is inborn.

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